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Short Profile

Message from the Head of the Study Program
Bismillahir rahmanir Rahim. Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, Peace be upon us all, Greetings Djitu++

Let me introduce myself, Ignatius Oki Dewa Brata, S.E., M.Sc., Ak., C.A., as Head of the Diploma 3 (Three) Accounting Study Program. The Diploma 3 (Three) Accounting Study Program is a Study Program that was established on March 8, 1995, with SK 3374/D/T/K-IV/2010. The Diploma 3 (Three) Accounting Study Program is a study program that prioritizes the needs of students in pursuing education in this study program. It is hoped that graduates will be able to work professionally in the fields of Financial Accounting, Management Accounting, Public Sector Accounting, Auditing, Taxation and Accounting Information Systems. By breathing the spirit of DJITU++ (Disciplined, Honest, Innovative, Diligent, Tenacious and Continuous Improvement), this Study Program has produced many alumni who are successful in the world of work.
Therefore, I also express my deepest gratitude to all students, parents, lecturers, employees, alumni, the business world, and stakeholders for their trust in continuing to carry out the mandate of making the nation’s life smarter. The Diploma 3 (three) accounting study program seeks to produce professional and quality human resources, especially in the accounting field, who are able to compete, are virtuous, and able to adapt to the global environment. Hopefully what we all aspire to can be realized well.Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb, Salam sejahtera bagi kita semuanya, Salam Djitu++

Ignatius Oki Dewa Brata, S.E., M.Si., Ak., C.A.
Head of D3 Accounting Study Program

Producing Associate Professional Experts in the field of business accounting who follow scientific and information technology-based developments, are virtuous and have a global outlook by 2028.


  1. Organizing a quality learning process to produce professional Middle Experts in the field of business accounting.
  2. Organize an information technology-based learning process, be virtuous and be able to communicate in a foreign language.
  3. Carrying out research and community service to support the development and application of knowledge in the field of accounting.
  4. Carry out collaboration with various parties both at home and abroad to create relevance in providing education to user needs.


  1. Creation of professional intermediate expert graduates in the field of business accounting.
  2. Creating a conducive academic atmosphere based on information technology, virtuous, with a global perspective and able to use foreign languages.
  3. Creation of increased capability of educational staff.
  4. Creation of research work in the field of applied accounting.
  5. Implementation of collaboration between institutions, both domestic and foreign, which supports the creation of relevance between education delivery and user needs.


  1. At least 75% of students graduate on time (7 semesters) with satisfactory achievements (GPA ? 2.75).
  2. At least 75% of graduates have a minimum EPT score of 450.
  3. At least 75% of graduates master computer applications in the field of accounting with a minimum grade of B.
  4. Each graduate has at least one competency certificate and Professional Certification
  5. Every lecturer publishes research and community service at least once a year. At least 1 (one) time a year cooperation is carried out